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Over the course of the Halloween Season, The Terror Talks visits a large number of haunted houses, ranging from your typical backyard haunt to Hollywood Level Production Haunts.
Each time we visit a haunt, we will do an episode on the show where we will rate the haunt on a scale of 1-5 Screams, The Scream Meter. 
You can find all of our written reviews on this page!!

Kreepy Hollow Haunted House 2021 Haunt Review

Writer's picture: The Terror TalksThe Terror Talks

On Friday, September 17th, Kreepy Hollow opened their doors to their first unsuspecting victims for the 2021 Haunt Season, which would feature 3 Attractions, a hellish bus ride, a 7000+ sq. ft. haunted house, and a 2 mile hayride through the woods.

There's a reason our bus ride is so well known! Come pick your poison with a choice of the Masters Bus ride or roll the dice with the Mystery Bus ride. Either way this will be an experience you don't want to miss! You're in for the ride of your life. Good luck, you'll need it!

The largest haunted house in South Carolina has many surprises inside. As soon as you step off the famous bus ride you'll see the towering structure you have to make it through. It's truly a one of a kind experience. You might want to turn back but it'll be too late!

You'll finish your evening with a 2 mile ride to explore 7 deadly scenes. This was our first attraction and remains one of our fan favorites. No matter what you fear you're likely to find it on our hayride. This is a hayride you don't want to miss. It may be your last!

This was our second year attending the attraction after having been EXCELLENTLY surprised last season. We remember arriving not sure what to expect, but leaving overwhelmed with how much fun we had!

Would be get the same experience this year? Would we scream on that bus ride from hell? Would be jump at all the creeps and creeks of the massive haunted house? Would we fall off the wagon on our haunted hayride through the darkness? All of this to come as we reveal…

Kreepy Hollow Haunted House

For this year’s haunt review, we have broken down each haunt that we are visiting into

6 Categories: Sets, Costumes/Makeup/SFX, Technical Effects, Scares, Pacing, and Actors.

Each category is rated on a scale of 1-5 Screams and then averaged out to give an Overall Rating. This new system is to ensure that we are not in any way biased and are giving each attraction that we visit the same fair and equal treatment that they each deserve.

With this new system in mind, let’s break down each of our 6 Categories for Kreepy Hollow’s 2021 Haunt!!

Initial Thoughts – When you arrive at Kreepy Hollow, you are left rather curious because as you wander up to the ticket booth, you ask yourself “Where is the haunted house?” but little do you know that you are about to be whisked away by a bus ride from hell to take you to the haunted house and hayride. Now because the bus ride is a unique aspect that only Kreepy Hollow has, we will not use it to rate the overall experience, but we will talk briefly about it.

When we did the bus ride last year, the experience was INCREDIBLE. There was Jason and Michael Myers and Freddy running down the aisle and climbing on the outside of the bus. It was incredible. The music was blaring and the bus was FLYING down the road. It was a thrilling and scary experience. This year, we did not get that same experience. This year we rode the “Mystery Bus” which is different from the “Master Icons” bus we rode the year before. On our trip, we ran into some characters from the purge and they came running up and down the aisles. However, the bus was going VERY SLOWLY. It was not flying like it has in years past, which was the whole fun of it all. Now maybe there is a reason for this in terms of safety, but that didn’t seem to stop them the year prior. So I’m not really sure why the bus ride became less thrilling, but it definitely did. However, I cannot complain too much about it because the bus ride did lead to me meeting some awesome people who I got the chance to go through all the attractions with. They actually asked me to come through with them so I didn’t have to go alone. I had purchases a Speed Pass to get in instantly, but opted to stick with them because they seemed like pretty cool people.

After getting off the bus and experiencing everything else, it was very safe to say that not much has changed, if anything, from the previous year. So that was a little disappointing to us. It’s also something we keep a CLOSE EYE on for each haunt, and while it doesn’t have a major effect on the outcome of the haunt, we do want to see if they are capable of changing things up. Not sure that this house could do it.

Sets – House (4/5) & Hayride (3/5) - 3.5/5 Screams – The sets in both the house and the hayride were actually pretty good! Inside the house you actually entered a scene that appeared as if you had gone outside and were looking in on a courtyard. They even had a tree that went up to the 2nd story where you were, and then at one point you were back in the courtyard but were on the lower level. This was a very cool set design that is still very memorable and I will always love. Then on the hayride, there were some really interesting sets that your cart would ride through. All of them were pretty unique to the scene that you were in and were done pretty well, and some were as simple as black tarp. This is part of the reason they got docked some points.

Costumes/Makeup/SFX – House (1/5) & Hayride (1/5) – 1/5 Screams – The costumes and makeup were not anything to ride home about. Honestly they all looked like they were just store bought pieces and not fashioned to anything original. Then the makeup also was pretty subpar as well. There just simply wasn’t anything worth remembering in terms of the costumes or the makeup in either one of these attractions.

Technical Effects – House (5/5) & Hayride (5/5) - 5/5 Screams – In terms of technical effects, both the house and the hayride did a pretty remarkable job. In the house, I mentioned the courtyard scene above. Well, not only did this courtyard scene take place, but there was actually running water in this scene so it appeared to be raining. They actually had it so it was pouring down rain in the courtyard. In addition they used strobe lighting and thunder Sound FX to make it seem like there was a thunder storm brewing in the courtyard. This was a very cool effect that I absolutely love. Then there were several other places where the lighting effects created some great ambiance, as did the sound effects. Then on the hayride, there were some really memorable moments with tech. The lighting for one thing was used very well to create some intense scenes on the hayride. They used a lot of strobe lighting when the actors were running around on the trailer, lots of standard washes when you entered the scene, and different combinations that helped with the overall emotion. Then they also had fire on the hayride. There was one specific moment where you entered a sort of Witch Scene where they are hanging a witch, and a fire breaks out on the gallows. It’s pretty awesome the way they do this.

Scares – House (3/5) & Hayride (1/5) - 2/5 Screams – In the haunted house, there are actually a couple scares that have the potential to get you as you go through. We jumped a couple of times going through, but not many. The group we were with was pretty jumpy, but maybe they were getting the bulk of the scares. I’m not really sure. For us, though, there weren’t too many scares taking place as we went through and nothing too memorable in the house, but there were some moments. Then on the hayride, there was pretty much nothing. We didn’t really jump at all, scream, shout, or even try to move away from something. The hayride simply wasn’t scary to us and much like Scream Acres, was a great way to just rest your feet, but not stretch your legs.

Pacing – House – (3/5) & Hayride (4/5) – 3.5/5 Screams – The length of the house and the time it takes to get through it was actually pretty decent. It wasn’t a super long waslkthrough, but it was longer than some haunts and you actually saw a lot. Because the haunt was two stories, they had the entire upstairs and downstairs to play with, and they also had another building tacked on at the end to extend it as well, which I found out from one of my group members, that the building was added on later in the lifespan of the attraction. However, it still could’ve been a little bit longer in my opinion. This could have been partial to the fact that our group was going very quickly, but I’d like to see them expand the house portion if possible. The pacing on the hayride was pretty good as you never sat in dead space for too long. That’s the problem with some Hayrides, like Scream Acres, is that you spend too much time in the transition that you lose interest. Kreepy Hollow does a pretty good job at making sure this does not happen. As you go from each scene, you are only in the blank space for a short period of time, which allows you to sort of cool down from the intensity of the last scene and prep yourself for the next scene. The only reason that it scored less than perfect, is because I would’ve liked to have scene more scenes added. I feel like the length could be even longer and has the potential to be more.

Actors/Team – House (2/5) & Hayride (1/5) – 1.5/5 Screams – Finally we have reached the actors and the team. The actors and the team did not do a whole lot for us at this attraction because we didn’t really see too many of them. Inside the house, there was not a whole lot of actors or team, and really only a few of them scared us. It was almost as if some of them didn’t even try. This is a big no-no for me. It doesn’t matter if a 500 Pound Muscle man comes into the haunted house, you try your damnedest to scare him. Then on the hayride, we had some major issues in my opinion. After the witch scene, the entire cast that was in the scene was standing at the edge of it and broke character by yelling something at the bus that was driving by. What you have to understand is this particular scene is towards the end of the attraction, and the bus ride drives right by this scene. Well the bus drove by and honked it’s horn, and the cast flipped off the bus driver and started saying things like “F**k you!” to him. I was very disappointed by this level of unprofessionalism and that left me very upset the rest of the hayride. Then, at the end of the ride, one of my group members actually got an actors snapchat or number at the end. However, he was supposed to still be in character, but he had taken his mask off and was basically flirting with her. This is highly unprofessional and should not be done. I have been to other haunted houses where this sort of thing is not tolerated. That actor should not have responded to the girl at all and should’ve remained in character. If he really wanted to talk to her, he could’ve found a way to talk to her outside of the haunt, but he decided to do it mid-haunt. This level of unprofessionalism is not something I tolerate, and something that I take VERY Seriously.

Overall Rating: 3 Screams

Overall, Kreepy Hollow was not a terrible haunted house, but it certainly wasn’t the best we’ve ever been to. The difference between experiences from last year to this year is night and day. There was no reason we should’ve run into the issues that we did, ESPECIALLY, the ones with the cast saying the things they did and acting the way they did. There is no excuse. Honestly, the best part about Kreepy Hollow was the fact that I had some pretty awesome people to hang out with while I was there and they made the experience more fun for me. I think Kreepy Hollow needs to re-evaluate before next year or else they’ll just be doing a disservice to themselves and their customers.

Be sure to go check them out and let us know what you think about Kreepy Hollow.

Maybe you agree with us, and maybe you don’t, but either way, we want to know!!

There is still time this year to get your chance to experience this haunted attraction!!

Kreepy Hollow Ticket Info:

You can purchase tickets when you arrive at Kreepy Hollow or you can purchase your tickets online

General Admission - $25 – Includes Bus Ride, Haunted House, and Hayride

Fast Pass - $40 – Grants you Front of the Line Access to the Bus Ride, House & Hayride

Friday & Saturday Hours: 7:30pm-12:30pm

Thursday & Sunday Hours: 7:30pm – 10:30pm

Kreepy Hollow will be open on select evenings from September 17th – November 6th

Follow Their Social Media For More Information & To Keep Up With Them:

Facebook: Kreepy Hollow (@kreepy.hollow)

Instagram: @kreepyhollowofficial

Location: 1251 Joe Dority Rd. Bishopville, SC 29010

Be Sure To Go Check Out Kreepy Hollow

This Season And Let Us Know What You Think!!

Maybe You Don’t Agree With Our Rating!

You Can Send In Your Thoughts To Us

And Play Along At Home As Well!!

We’d Love To Hear From You!!

Until Next Time,

Be Safe Out There,

Don’t Text And Drive,

And Be Excellent To Each Other!

Take Care Everybody!!

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